Payment types
  • 16 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

Payment types

Article summary

This is a codebook of payment methods, applicable for example in the context of invoicing. In the form Payment types we have the possibility to filter the records above each column and click on the column name to enable ascending or descending sorting according to this column.

You can create a payment type by pressing the New record button and filling in the details:

  • Code - Code of the payment type
  • Name - Any name
  • External application code - Code for matching the payment type with a third party application
  • Commercial Product - Product limitation over which the reimbursement type can be used
  • Active - Allows you to set the activity (applicability) of the reimbursement type
  • Mandatory bank account - Allows you to set the mandatory presence of a bank account if the payment type is selected
  • Must be due - Allows to set the obligation of the presence of the due date, if the given payment type is used
  • Use enabled - Option to set in which modules the payment type will be enabled

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